In this heartfelt adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s classic novel, the story of “Little Women” follows the lives of the March sisters as they navigate love, loss, and follows the sisters along on their pursuit of their dreams. Along with it already being a beautiful and classic story, Broadway On The Side’s production of “Little Women” was top- notch and did a great job capturing the essence of each character which really brought the story to life on stage. From the beautiful melodies to the powerful emotions portrayed throughout the show, this production is a must- see. It will leave you inspired and touched, and I can’t recommend it enough to everyone in the Weber County area!
This production of "Little Women" had some very strong and passionate talent. Some of the cast members that really stood out to me were Dusti Bagley, Natalie Lichfield, Daphne Dixon, and Abby Payne- Peterson. Bagley, who played Jo, showed so much beautiful passion and had one of the most amazing singing voices I've heard in a long time. Her voice carried very well throughout the whole show, and she sounded great in harmony with every other person in the cast. She really embraced the character and pushed those character boundaries to create a fierce yet loyal Jo! Meg, played by Lichfield, was everything Meg should be! She played the character with such a graceful and nurturing manner and was truly the embodiment of love and selflessness. On top of playing the character splendidly, she also had a beautiful and smooth soprano voice that filled the whole building. When it comes to the gentle, compassionate, pure hearted Beth, Dixon truly brought this to life. The central part of Beth's character is music, and Dixon had a beautiful, sweet voice to show off the true story of her character. She played it with such a gentleness when it came to resolving the problems some of the sisters' face with their relationships throughout the show, and it was beautiful. One of my favorite moments of the show is when Bagley and Dixon sang "Some Things Are Meant to Be", a gorgeous, yet emotional song that happens in act two. It was absolutely stunning, and I couldn't help but cry during that number when I not only heard the talent explode from these two actors, but also the emotion and connection the two had throughout the whole show really came to life in this song. With a character like Aunt March, I expected someone to walk out looking old and grumpy, however, Payne- Peterson was anything but that, and it was absolutely perfect. The stern way that she played the character was also met with a beautiful tenderness and love she showed for the March Sisters. I never expected to like Aunt March as much as I did while watching her portray the character. She was also able to show off her vocal abilities in the show and was spectacular.
I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the talent displayed through the whole show. Director, Megan Worthen Nelson, did a spectacular job casting each of these actors. I especially found this to be true with the whole March family. The connections Marmee, Stacey Dixon, had with each of the daughters was awe inspiring. All of the sisters were perfectly cast and had so much chemistry on stage, I would have thought all four of them were actual sisters! It takes a lot of talent, passion, and dedication to really pull someone into a story like this cast did, and I truly thank each and every one of them for that.
As always, Broadway On The Side's Technical Director, Val Seiler, never disappoints with lighting design! Working alongside Nelson, they truly created a masterpiece on the stage with their light design. In every scene, the moment the lights went up, I was truly mesmerized by the ability the lights had to pull me in even more throughout the show. The lighting design perfectly complimented the costumes, set, and the actors. Along with the lighting design, the set design by Nelson was also spectacular. The way the cast was able to move the set and transport us to different settings in the story was brilliant. For such a small space, the set and light design truly complimented the space so well, and I will forever be impressed by that aspect of this show.
The last aspect of the show that brought everything in this gorgeous show together was costume design by: Leia Alitagtag, Dusti Bagley, Nick Cash, Stacey Dixon, Megan Worthen Nelson, and Abby Payne- Peterson. Each color and pattern of every costume perfectly arranged on each character was truly stunning! Not only did all the costumes fit each actor perfectly, but each piece also highlighted exactly what each character's traits throughout the show was like. Meg's costumes were beautiful and elegant, Amy's costumes perfectly showed the difference from her being a child to growing into a beautiful young woman. Jo's costumes showed each era of her life perfectly, and Beth's showed that her character truly wore her heart on her sleeve.
Overall, Broadway On The Side's production of "Little Women" is an absolute delight. The captivating actors that tell this heartfelt story are a must- see! Whether you're familiar with the musical or not, this musical is a true gem that will leave you feeling inspired and moved. Don't miss the chance to be swept away by the magic of this show. Run and get tickets on their website at: broadwayontheside.org
Theatre matters, theatre is important, and theatre is impactful.
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